
One last chance. A reminder of why the mikdash was taken, and how we can get it back. NOW.

One last chance. A reminder of why the mikdash was taken, and how we can get it back. NOW.

Getting the keys back, understanding the responsibility of earning the Beis hamikdosh Do we pray for Redemption in the right

Sukkot – Prayer and happiness
Don't run and ENJOY the walk

Don't run and ENJOY the walk

Torah lessons in English on this week's Parsha

Parshas Yisro – SHAVUOT

Parshas Yisro – SHAVUOT

Rabbi Dovid Moishe Bloy הכנה לקבלת התורה – Start Your Day the Torah Way, NW London. שיעורי תורה לצפיה ולשמיעה על

The Chanukah candles illuminate the darkness of golus – Start your Day the Torah Way – NW London

The Chanukah candles illuminate the darkness of golus – Start your Day the Torah Way – NW London

Prisoners of Hope שיעורי תורה לחנוכה, הדלקת נרות, וחודש כסלו – לצפיה ולהאזנה

Haftarah of The second day of Rosh Hashanah – To believe in the love of Hashem, and cry…

Haftarah of The second day of Rosh Hashanah – To believe in the love of Hashem, and cry…

The power of crying, The secret of the lower water – the crying water Singing ואהבתך אל תסיר ממנו לעולמים,

The essence of A yeshiva

The essence of A yeshiva

Why to learn in A yeshiva? Speech by Rabbi David Moshe Blau on the occasion of the opening of a new